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Harry van Bommel, trust funds, endowment funds, fundraising, financial dependents, not-for-profit organization, charity, developmental disability, disability, longterm care
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On Our Own Together
Trust Funds for Families with Financially Dependent Loved Ones and Endowment Funds for
Small Not-For-Profit and Charitable Organizations
This book is about methods to secure some financial comfort, or even independence, for (a) a financially dependent loved one or (b) a not-for-profit/charitable
This book is an information guide -- not an instruction manual. The book does not, nor is it intended to offer legal, tax and financial advice. It is designed to guide
readers into asking the appropriately qualified people the right questions that fit the specific situation.
This book is really two books in one. Why does the book combine trusts and endowments together? Why put families with a dependent loved one together with not-for-profit or
charitable organizations?
The answer is their common ground. Although families with dependent loved ones and not-for-profit and charitable organizations have different operational needs and,
obviously, different finances, both are involved in trying to secure some financial independence in the future. Both are looking for ways to avoid the monthly and annual contortions of making
ends meet. Both have traditionally avoided long-term financial thinking because daily demands are too great. Both have exhaustion (physical and mental) as common denominators of trying to balance
current needs with all the struggles and fears of long-term financial comfort. By giving common financial and legal information to both audiences, we hope to satisfy a common need with enough
flexibility to meet your requirements.
Also, for a growing number of families, future security is based, in large part, upon their membership in a family group. Such groups usually consist of a limited number of
families (less than 15) that have joined together in a common vision for emotional and physical support. Some of these groups have become incorporated and have turned their attention to securing
future financial support for its membership. The trust fund information may help the individual families of such a group. The endowment information may help the whole group look at securing
future support dollars.
252 pages, 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 inches, ISBN 1-55307-005-4, $20 ebook, $29.95 paperback
Table of Contents
What You Must Know First
How to Use This Book
Part 1: General Information
Chapter 1: General Information
Part 2: Trusts Chapter 2: One Family's Story (The Beginning) Chapter 3: What are Trusts and Are They for Me?
Chapter 4: Present and Future Needs
Chapter 5: Beginning, Maintaining & Closing a Trust
Chapter 6: Non-Financial Considerations
Chapter 7: A Family's Story (The Sequel)
Part 3: Endowment Funds
Chapter 8: Deohaeko Support Network (The Beginning)
Chapter 9: What are Endowment Funds and Are They Right for Us?
Chapter 10: Present and Future Needs
Chapter 11: Beginning, Maintaining and Closing an Endowment Fund
Chapter 12: Non-Financial Considerations
Chapter 13: Deohaeko Support Network (The Sequel)
Part 4: Making It Work For You
Chapter 14: Creative Fund Raising
Appendices Part 1: For Both Trust and Endowment Funds
Appendix A: Comparing Trusts or Endowment Funds
Appendix B: Specific Wording for Donations to Charities Through a Will
Appendix C: Last Will and Testament and Settling the Estate
Part 2: Trusts
Appendix D: Sample Discretionary Trust Created by a Last Will and Testament
Appendix E: Life Planning Guide
Appendix F: A Sample of a Trust Funded Through Insurance Benefits
The "Special Needs" Plan Description
Part 3: Endowments
Appendix G: Plan for Establishing an Endowment Fund
Appendix H: Sample Endowment Fund Policies
Appendix I: Sample Endowment Fund Agreement
Appendix J: Specific Sample Agreement between ACT and the Toronto Community Foundation
Appendix K: Sample Donor Agreement to Contribute to an Endowment Fund
Appendix L: Draft Agreement Among Deohaeko Families for the Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution of an Endowment Fund
Part 4: Resources
Organizations and Useful References/References